Riccardo Gatti, meeting Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in 1928, created an unbreakable bond in the relationship between contemporary artists and the workshop.
A bond that has indeed been strengthened since the mid-1990s, thanks to the relationships and understandings established with leading figures in the contemporary art world. Working for major exhibitions and for productions destined for galleries or private collectors, the list of artists who have worked with us is very long and constantly growing.
From early collaborations with futurists such as Giacomo Balla and Mario Guido Dal Monte, to those with great masters such as Carla Accardi, Enrico Baj, Alberto Burri, Giacinto Cerone, Sebastian Matta, Aldo Mondino, Giosetta Fioroni, from the very long association with Luigi Ontani and Mimmo Paladino, to contemporaries such as Liliana Moro, Giuseppe Ducrot, Salvatore Arancio and Sissi, Alessandro Pessoli, even going outside the national borders with artists such as Ilya Kabakov, Mike Kelley, Christian Holstad and Nick Mauss; the list is long and valuable, just as valuable and enriching is the exchange between the artists and all those who work and animate the Bottega.